Saturday, May 25, 2013

Canon tele-zoom lens test

Here are test shots taken from the Canon Zoom event in Brno Zoo with my new 5D Mark III.

1. 70-200mm f2.8 USM
2. 200mm f2 IS USM
3. 300mm f2.8 IS II USM
4. 600mm f4 IS II USM

1st place winner !!!

What a great Saturday! I went to annual Canon Zoom competition in Brno ZOO and won a 1st place. Unbelievable. It was quite rainy as you can see from my images Pittbulls vs Knights, and I honestly was thinking about staying home. I am really glad that I kicked my butt and went there. The first place prize was a Canon EOS 1100D!

Here is the winning photograph. Thank you Canon.

​1/2500, f2.8, 200mm, iso 2500

It was shot behind the terrarium glass, with no post-processing at all, stright from the camera. It was lucky moment as the iguana stayed on branch just below the lights.

For more animal pictures go to my gallery here.